55mm Smolo model kompleti Prekletstvo Medusa self-assembled TD-2417


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€16.00 €14.08

  • Material: Smole
  • Spol: Unisex

Oznake: smole modeli kompleti, smole model kompleti, 135 model, nakit medusa, smole slika model komplet vojaške, medusa glavo kos, 1 35 obsega smolo vojaki, znak smolo fantasy, medusa plakat, bankrot medusa.

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Surov Am
Quite a bit, not to say totally DISAPPOINTED, on their website they say that Medusa's height is 54 mm, and indeed it does, but the height must be consistent with the rest of the body's volume, you cannot make tall figures and excessively thin, so thin that they more closely resemble the standard 30mm figures than 54mm figures. And of the other two pieces of the warriors that accompany him, we no longer speak. Here I send you the photo next to a figure at 54 mm, it seems that it measures 60 because it has the boot of the left leg stretched forward. Anyway, in its 3D computer presentation it is very beautiful but once you have it in hand, it disappoints a lot and it is worth investing the money in other pieces with real scale. Greetings and unfortunately I have to tell you that the safest thing is that I will not buy again in your store to avoid these unpleasant surprises.
Ramashka 777
Good resin kit quality. Fast and secure. polite customer contact. Gladly recommend
